Moon Circles

🌕🔮 Full Moon Circle Gathering Details 🔮🌕

✨ Experience the Magic:

Join us under the radiant glow of the full moon for a transformative Full Moon Circle gathering. This sacred event is a celebration of lunar energy, intention-setting, and communal connection.

🌙 Agenda:

  1. Opening Ritual: Immerse yourself in a ceremonial opening, creating a sacred space to honor the moon's energy.

  2. Intention-Setting: Connect with the powerful energy of the full moon to set personal intentions for the lunar cycle.

  3. Moonlit Meditation: Guided meditation under the moonlight to deepen your connection with the celestial energies.

  4. Sharing Circle: An opportunity to share your intentions, experiences, and insights within the supportive circle.

  5. Closing Ritual: Conclude the evening with a closing ritual, expressing gratitude and sealing the energy of the Full Moon Circle.

🌌 What to Bring:

  • Comfortable clothing

  • Yoga mat or blanket

  • Water bottle

  • Journal and pen

📅 Save Your Spot: RSVP by sending $10 Venmo@LadyDusty to secure your place in this celestial gathering. Limited spaces are available, and we want to ensure everyone experiences the magic of the Full Moon Circle.

Let the luminous energy of the full moon guide you on a journey of reflection, intention, and growth. We look forward to sharing this enchanting evening with you! 🌕🔮 ✨🌙